I'm stressing out, hardcore.
I'm late. By two weeks.
I know there's legitimate reason not to panic. I haven't been as diligent in taking my metphormin as I am supposed to be, thanks to those few weeks on the midnight shift. When I first started taking the metphormin it screwed up my cycle something fierce. I went a month and a half where I would bleed five days, stop for two, and bleed again. And then it stopped, and the next one was right on time. But that was six weeks ago.
And the paranoid, anxiety ridden worrier inside me is freaking.
There's no reason to be. But it is. I've always been irregular. But they told me the metphormin would regulate me.
I think I'm going to have to pick up a pregnancy test just to stop my worrying. Just to reconfirm that I'm fine.
But I can't help but be freaking out.
Dear God, please please please let this just be the result of the metphormin.
Just take a pregnancy test. It stops the worrying... I lost count a long time ago to the amount of pregnancy tests I've taken. Note: NEVER watch the TV show "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant."